Nestled among rolling hills and perched atop ancient volcanic rocks, Edinburgh is a city that seamlessly blends history, culture, and natural beauty. Wander through the cobblestone streets of the Royal Mile, where centuries-old architecture meets modern shops.
With a history spanning over two millennia, Rome is a living testament to the grandeur of the Roman Empire. Stroll through the ancient ruins of the Colosseum, where gladiators once battled, and the Roman Forum, where politics and commerce once thrived.
Osaka is a city of contrasts, where you can explore historic temples and shrines in the morning and immerse yourself in cutting-edge technology and neon lights in the evening. Osaka is a place where warm-hearted locals embrace visitors with "Kuidaore".
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Informasi Workshop
Pengantar Workshop/pelatihan tatap muka intensif selama 3 (tiga) hari ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi dan skills di bidang corporate finance, khususnya analisis laporan keuangan
Informasi Workshop
Workshop/pelatihan tatap muka intensif selama 3 (tiga) hari ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi dan skills di bidang corporate finance, khususnya analisis laporan keuangan dan financial modeling bagi para peserta yang berasal dari beragam latar belakang profesi dan industri, seperti loan/lending officer atau pejabat kredit, account officer/relationship manager, credit/financial analyst, risk officer/manager, financial manager maupun pejabat eksekutif perusahaan.
Melalui pelatihan ini diharapkan peserta akan semakin mampu memahami dan mengaplikasikan keterampilan analisis laporan keuangan serta financial modeling guna mendukung pelaksanaan tugas harian di tempat kerja. Dengan demikian, para peserta akan semakin profesional dan kompeten di bidang pekerjaan yang ditanganinya.
Tujuan dan Manfaat Workshop
- Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar akuntansi terhadap penyajian laporan keuangan serta memahami keterkaitan antar laporan keuangan (laporan neraca, laporan laba-rugi, dan laporan arus kas).
- Memahami filosofi serta prinsip pokok analisis laporan keuangan dan financial modeling menggunakan pendekatan 5W1H (What, Who, When, Where, Why, and How).
- Memahami kerangka analisis yang bersifat holistik dan terintegrasi untuk memperoleh hasil analisis yang tepat, akurat dan dapat dijadikan dasar pengambilan keputusan, misalnya keputusan pembiayaan atau keputusan investasi.
- Memahami berbagai aspek penting terkait analisis laporan keuangan (financial statements analysis), yang mencakup analisis laporan laba-rugi (income statement analysis), analisis neraca (balance sheet analysis), analisis arus kas (cash flow analysis), serta analisis rasio-rasio keuangan (financial ratios analysis).
- Memahami tahapan dan proses analisis keuangan secara sistematis, baik dan benar, termasuk mencermati hal-hal yang bersifat material (signifikan dan penting) dalam laporan keuangan.
- Mampu menganalisis secara cermat laporan neraca dan melakukan assessment secara profesional terhadap posisi maupun kondisi keuangan perusahaan.
- Mampu menganalisis secara cermat leporan laba-rugi serta melakukan assessment secara profesional terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan.
- Mampu menganalisis secara cermat laporan arus kas serta melakukan assessment secara profesional terhadap pergerakan/perubahan arus kas perusahaan serta mengidentifikasi pendorong utama pergerakan/perubahan tersebut (cash flow drivers).
- Mampu merumuskan rasio-rasio keuangan, menginterpretasikan serta memahami dan melakukan assessment terhadap faktor-faktor pendorong pergerakan/perubahan rasio-rasio keuangan.
- Mampu menginterpretasikan secara kritis menggunakan pertanyaan “So what?” dan mampu menyajikan kesimpulan atas laporan keuangan secara berbobot/bermakna (meaningful) serta dapat diandalkan untuk menjadi bahan pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan bagi manajemen. Kesimpulan yang dimaksud adalah lebih dari sekedar menyajikan narasi berupa pergerakan atau perubahan angka atau nilai yang tersaji dalam laporan keuangan, namun mampu memberikan pendapat serta saran maupun rekomendasi secara profesional bagi manajemen, terkait financial viability/feasibility maupun sustainability bisnis perusahaan.
- Mampu menggunakan hasil analisis laporan keuangan maupun financial modeling sebagai bahan pertimbangan pengajuan proposal terkait pembiayaan maupun investasi, serta bahan pertimbangan bagi perumusan kebijakan keuangan perusahaan.
- Memahami tahapan dan proses penyajian financial model/financial forecasting.
- Mampu merumuskan asumsi-asumsi kunci (key drivers) penyusunan financial model secara tepat.
- Mampu memformulasikan dan menuangkan asumsi-asumsi keuangan yang sudah ditetapkan ke dalam sebuah model dengan berbagai skenario.
- Mampu memanfaatkan teknologi Artificial Intelligence (AI), yakni GPT-4 Turbo, sebagai alat bantu dalam melakukan analisis keuangan.
4 December 2024 9:00 am – 6 December 2024 5:00 pm WIB(GMT+07:00)
Hotel Le Méridien Jakarta (5-Star Hotel)
18-20 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, 10220
Hotel Le Méridien Jakarta (5-Star Hotel)
18-20 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, 10220Hotel Le Méridien Jakarta (5-Star Hotel)
Vincent Tobing, MM, M.Ec.Dev, FMVA, CBCA
Vincent Tobing, MM, M.Ec.Dev, FMVA, CBCA
PT Kreatora Indonesia
Sasaran Peserta
Workshop ini ditujukan untuk:
- Account Officer / Lending Officer
- Relationship Manager
- Creedit Analyst / Reviewer
- Risk Manager / Reviewer
- Pejabat kredit
- Pejabat eksekutif perusahaan
- Investment Manager
- Finance Manager
- Peminat corporate finance
Fasilitas Workshop
Biaya investasi pelatihan yang Anda bayarkan sudah termasuk:
- Aktivitas pengajaran oleh trainer yang kompeten, resourceful, serta profesional dan berpengalaman luas di bidangnya.
- Biaya penggunaan ruang dan fasilitas pelatihan.
- Training materials (hard copy): PPT presentation materials, knowledge check/quiz materials, case studies materials.
- Certificate of attendance.
- Makan siang (lunch) 1x dan coffee breaks 2x.
- Akses internet/WiFi selama pelatihan.
- High quality goody bag.
- Stationaries: notebook, Post-It notes dan ballpoint.
- Tabletop signage & name tag.
- Hotel amenities, incl. mineral waters and mints.
- Dokumentasi foto pelatihan.
- Follow-up sessions selama 2 (dua) jam berupa group session dan one-on-one session secara virtual (menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting). Waktu pelaksanaan sesuai kesepakatan bersama antara peserta dengan trainer.
- Free life-time access senilai Rp. 8.750.000 ke 25 modul e-learning bersertifikat dengan topik soft skills (saat ini masih dalam pengembangan dengan estimasi public access di akhir tahun 2024).
Biaya tidak termasuk:
- Akomodasi/penginapan selama pelaksanaan workshop.
- Tiket pesawat dan transportasi lainnya selama pelaksanaan workshop.
- Hotel/airport transfer service.
- Setiap peserta workshop wajib membawa laptop masing-masing dengan software Microsoft Excel/Spreadheet Editor application yang sudah terinstall dan bekerja dengan baik. Penyelenggara workshop maupun trainer tidak menyediakan dan atau meminjamkan laptop untuk pelaksanaan workshop ini.
- Karena pertimbangan keamanan dan kenyamanan, penyelenggara workshop dan trainer tidak menyediakan dan atau meminjamkan flashdisk sebagai sarana penyimpanan dan atau transfer data/materi pelatihan. Para peserta dapat mengunduh data/materi pelatihan melalui Google Drive yang akan diinformasikan trainer.
Agenda Workshop (Lihat lampiran)
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- 26 June 2024
- 08.30 Registrasi ulang & coffee morning08.30- 09.00
- 09.00 Greeting, Housekeeping Items, Parking Lot, Workshop Overview & Objectives, Ice Breaking09.00- 09.15
- 09.15 Pre-Test & Evaluation09.15- 09.30
- 09.30 Fundamentals of Financial Statements09.30- 10.00
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 10.00 Framework of Analysis, Preparation & Steps10.00- 10.30
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 10.30 Income Statement Analysis (1)10.30- 12.00
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 12.00 Luncheon12.00- 13.00
- 13.00 Games13.00- 13.15
- 13.15 Income Statement Analysis (2)13.15- 15.00
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 15.00 Coffee Break15.00- 15.15
- 15.15 Income Statement Analysis (3)15.15- 16.00
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 16.00 Group discussions & presentation16.00- 16.30
- 16.30 Knowledge check: quiz and evaluation16.30- 16.45
- 16.45 Wrap-up, Q & A, and Parking Lot Notes Discussion16.45- 17.00
- 17.00 End of Day 117.00- 17.00
- 27 June 2024
- 08.30 Coffee Morning, Refresh/Review Last Lecture, Q & A08.30- 09.00
- 09.00 Pre-Test & Evaluation09.00- 09.15
- 09.15 Balance Sheet Analysis (1)09.15- 10.30
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 10.30 Games10.30- 10.45
- 10.45 Balance Sheet Analysis (2)10.45- 12.00
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 12.00 Luncheon & Photo session12.00- 13.00
- 13.00 Games13.00- 13.15
- 13.15 Balance Sheet Analysis (3)13.15- 14.15
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 14.15 Case studies (group discussions and presentations)14.15- 14.45
- 14.45 Knowledge check: quiz and evaluation14.45- 15.00
- 15.00 Coffee Break15.00- 15.15
- 15.15 Pre-Test & Evaluation15.15- 15.30
- 15.30 Cash Flow Analysis (1)15.30- 16.15
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 16.15 Case studies16.15- 16.30
- 16.30 Knowledge check: quiz and evaluation16.30- 16.45
- 16.45 Wrap-up, Q & A, and Parking Lot Notes Discussion16.45- 17.00
- 17.00 End of Day 217.00- 17.00
- 28 June 2024
- 08.30 Coffee Morning, Refresh/Review Last Lecture, Q & A08.30- 09.00
- 09.00 Pre-Test & Evaluation09.00- 09.15
- 09.15 Financial Modeling (1)09.15- 10.30
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 10.30 Games10.30- 10.45
- 10.45 Financial Modeling (2): Menyusun Model10.45- 12.00
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 12.00 Luncheon12.00- 13.00
- 13.00 Games13.00- 13.15
- 13.15 Financial Modeling (3): Menyusun Model – Lanjutan13.15- 14.00
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 14.00 Financial Modeling (4)14.00- 14.15
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 14.15 Case studies (group discussions and presentations)14.15- 15.00
- 15.00 Coffee Break15.00- 15.15
- 15.15 Group Discussion & Presentation15.15- 16.00
- 16.00 Pemanfaatan ChatGPT dan Teknologi Artificial Intelligence (AI) dalam Dunia Finance16.00- 16.30
Silahkan unduh Informasi Workshop Selengkapnya di sini.
- 16.30 Case Studies & Demo ChatGPT-416.30- 16.45
- 16.45 Wrap-up, Q & A, and Parking Lot Notes Discussion, Feedback Form, Penyerahan Sertifikat & Photo Session, Closing16.45- 17.00
- 17.00 End of Day 317.00- 17.00
mon09dec8:01 ammon8:01 amMencegah dan Mengatasi Kekerasan di Tempat Kerja (Workplace Violence)
Informasi Workshop
Workplace harassment must be identified, discouraged, and prevented in order to keep a hostile work environment from developing. Left unchecked, harassment can escalate into violence. Workplace violence and harassment training
Informasi Workshop
Workplace harassment must be identified, discouraged, and prevented in order to keep a hostile work environment from developing. Left unchecked, harassment can escalate into violence. Workplace violence and harassment training is essential to the safety of all employees.
In order to prevent Workplace Violence, it is essential that everyone is able to identify individuals who may be prone to violence. Our workshop will help your participants recognize certain behaviors, and lower the risk of escalated situations. This workshop will help participants identify the warning signs, as well as give them coping and response tools.
Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: What is Workplace harassment?
Module Three: Identifying The Bully
Module Four: How to Handle Workplace Violence
Module Five: Risk Assessment (I)
Module Six: Risk Assessment (II)
Module Seven: Being the Victim
Module Eight: Checklist for Employers
Module Nine: Interview Process
Module Ten: Investigation Process
Module Eleven: Developing a Workplace Harassment Policy
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
9 December 2024 8:01 am – 8:01 am(GMT+07:00)
Jadwal Lainnya
Informasi Workshop
Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you always want to be
Informasi Workshop
Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you always want to be prepared. Your participants will understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge, and attitudes are applied in a unique way.
Our Train-The-Trainer workshop will provide your participants the skills to help them deliver engaging and compelling workshops. Skills such as facilitating, needs analyses, and managing tough topics will give your trainees what they require to become a trainer themselves.
Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Understanding Training and Facilitation
Module Three: Gathering Materials
Module Four: Creating a Lesson Plan
Module Five: Choosing Activities
Module Six: Preparing for the Workshop
Module Seven: Getting off on the Right Foot
Module Eight: Delivery Tips and Tricks
Module Nine: Keeping it Interactive
Module Ten: Dealing with Difficult Participants
Module Eleven: Tackling Tough Topics
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
6 December 2024 7:35 am – 7:35 am(GMT+07:00)
sat07dec5:43 amsat5:43 amHubungan Masyarakat dan Media (Media and Public Relations)
Informasi Workshop
In this workshop, your participants will get the knowledge they need to effectively manage their image and value by forming solid networks through strategic communication planning. Effective networking is essential
Informasi Workshop
In this workshop, your participants will get the knowledge they need to effectively manage their image and value by forming solid networks through strategic communication planning. Effective networking is essential for day-to-day business or for those times when you are actively pursuing job opportunities. This workshop is designed to provide practical and hands-on tools that will give your participants a skillset in dealing with the media and the public.
Media and Public Relations is the most successful method of communicating your value to those around you. Furthermore, good networking skills enable you to tap into those relationships you already have and increase the scope of your network. The larger the scope the more people knows you and offers you opportunities.
Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Networking for Success (I)
Module Three: Networking For Success (II)
Module Four: The Meet and Greet
Module Five: Dressing for Success
Module Six: Writing
Module Seven: Setting Goals
Module Eight: Media Relations
Module Nine: Issues and Crisis Communication Planning
Module Ten: Social Media (The PR Toolkit)
Module Eleven: Employee Communications
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
7 December 2024 5:43 am – 5:43 am(GMT+07:00)
Jadwal Lainnya
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