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Discover the enchanting Edinburgh

Nestled among rolling hills and perched atop ancient volcanic rocks, Edinburgh is a city that seamlessly blends history, culture, and natural beauty. Wander through the cobblestone streets of the Royal Mile, where centuries-old architecture meets modern shops.

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Eternal romance in city of rome

With a history spanning over two millennia, Rome is a living testament to the grandeur of the Roman Empire. Stroll through the ancient ruins of the Colosseum, where gladiators once battled, and the Roman Forum, where politics and commerce once thrived.

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Osaka where future meets tradition

Osaka is a city of contrasts, where you can explore historic temples and shrines in the morning and immerse yourself in cutting-edge technology and neon lights in the evening. Osaka is a place where warm-hearted locals embrace visitors with "Kuidaore".

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fri14feb4:34 amfri4:34 amMenjadi Pemain Tim (Team Player) yang Dapat Diandalkan

fri14feb7:13 amfri7:13 amMembangun Hubungan Baik Sebagai Sarana Mencapai Sukses dalam Penjualan

fri14feb7:33 amfri7:33 amMengupayakan dan Mencapai Resolusi Konflik (Conflict Resolution) di Tempat Kerja

fri14feb8:16 amfri8:16 amStrategi Mengidentifikasi dan Menyusun Daftar Pelanggan Potensial

fri14feb8:22 amfri8:22 amTerampil Mengelola Waktu Secara Efektif (Effective Time Management)

fri14feb8:25 amfri8:25 amMenguasai 10 Rahasia Sukses Penjualan

fri14feb(feb 14)9:36 amtue18(feb 18)9:36 amKepemimpinan dan Pendelegasian Kerja serta Wewenang Secara Efektif

sat15feb7:17 amsat7:17 amPenulisan Dokumen Bisnis Secara Kolaboratif (Collaborative Business Writing)

sun16feb8:23 amsun8:23 amMengembangkan Keterampilan Berbicara di Depan Publik (Public Speaking)

sun16feb11:50 amsun11:50 amManajemen Proyek Tingkat Lanjut (Advanced Project Management)

mon17feb9:11 ammon9:11 amMembudayakan Sikap Respek / Hormat di Tempat Kerja (Respect in the Workplace)

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