April 2024

This is a repeating event- Workshop/Training 1 / 12

Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berorganisasi (Organizational Skills)

wed10apr11:04 amwed11:04 amMengembangkan Keterampilan Berorganisasi (Organizational Skills)

Informasi Workshop

Developing good Organizational Skill is an investment that will provide benefits for years. To be successful means to be organized. These skills will filter through all aspects of your participants professional and personal lives. Throughout this workshop your participants will be given the tools necessary in developing better Organizational Skills.


Through Organizational Skills your participants will encounter improved productivity, better management, and an overall increase in professional growth. Every day people waste numerous amounts of time looking for items. So stop looking for those important items, and start knowing where they are by getting organized.



Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Remove the Clutter

  • Just Do It
  • You Don”t Have to Keep Everything
  • Three Boxes: Keep, Donate, and Trash
  • A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Prioritize

  • Write It Down
  • Urgent/Important Matrix
  • Divide Tasks
  • 80/20 Rule
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Scheduling Your Time

  • Have a Master Calendar
  • Setting Deadlines
  • Remove or Limit the Time Wasters
  • Coping With Things Outside of Our Control
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: To Do Lists

  • Use a Day Planner
  • Finish What You Start
  • Focus on the Important
  • Do Quick Tasks Immediately
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Six: Paper and Paperless Storage

  • Find a System that Works for You
  • Make it Consistent
  • Make it Time Sensitive
  • Setting up Archives
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions
Module Seven: Organization Your Work Area

  • Keeping Items Within Arm”s Reach
  • Only Have Current Projects on Your Desk
  • Arranging Your Drawers
  • Organize to Match Your Workflow
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Tools to Fight Procrastination

  • Eat That Frog!
  • Remove Distractions
  • Give Yourself a Reward
  • Break Up Large Tasks
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Organizing your Inbox

  • Setting up Delivery Rules
  • Folder and Message Hierarchy
  • Deal with Email Right Away
  • Flag and Highlight Important Items
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Avoid the Causes of Disorganization

  • Keeping Everything
  • Not Being Consistent
  • Not Following a Schedule
  • Bad Habits
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Discipline is the Key to Stay Organized

  • Stay Within Your Systems
  • Learn to Say No
  • Have Organization Be Part of Your Life
  • Plan for Tomorrow, Today
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations


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10 April 2024 11:04 am - 11:04 am(GMT+07:00)

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